Urgent Appeal: Young Activist Kwon Pyong Fled to South Korea; Currently in Danger of Deportation
August 22, 2023

HRIC Bulletin

Human Rights in China Urgent Appeal: concerning young human rights defender Kwon Pyong, who is currently risking his life to seek political asylum in South Korea by motorboat. Kwon was arrested 7 years ago for denouncing dictator Xi Jinping publicly and sentenced to 1.5 years in prison after being convicted on the charge of "inciting subversion of state power." Based on various sources, he is currently in danger of being deported after he was arrested by the Incheon Marine Police Department in South Korea and transferred to the prosecution.

Kwon is a dissident who bravely resisted the CCP's tyranny. He was arrested and sentenced only because he exercised the freedom and rights that the Chinese people should have. After being released from prison, he was also prohibited from leaving the country and subjected to harassment and persecution. He had no choice but to venture 300km across the sea to seek political asylum in South Korea. HRIC calls on the South Korean government to help Kwon Pyong for humanitarian reasons, by granting him political asylum or letting him go to a third country.